III Fumada Lenta 

CAP Madrid

Club Amigos de la Pipa - Madrid



The Hotel

CAP Madrid has obtained special prices in the lodging for all those that you inscribais in the Contest. This year, we have obtained a very special supply in the EUROPE HOTEL that we hoped that it is of your affability::


  • Location:

    HOTEL EUROPA: c/ Carmen, 4

    In the page Web of the hotel there are information on its situation, direction, telephone and other forms of contact that we hoped that it is of your affability:



    Metro Sol


  • Rooms avalaible:

    We have available ALL the superior double rooms of the hotel, that is to say, those that have views to the door of the sun.

    Altogether they are 50 rooms.

    The hotel will not be able to guarantee the reserve that is made with less than one week of advance to the date of the puff, being holds to the availability of seats that they had then.



    The price of the rooms will be of 75€ (+ 7% IVA) in regime of only lodging (as opposed to the 95€ of the habitual tariff, 21% of discount).


  • Reservation:

    The reservation must take place directly sending an email to the hotel to the direction info@hoteleuropa.net, indicating like reference to take refuge in the supply "Smoked CAP".




    Sito Ottimizzato per

    Ultimo Aggiornamento 

    IE 6.0
    MZ 1.9 
    OP 9.24

    23/04/15 - 21.49.19
    by Marcello Salvi 2006

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