The Most Unusual Smoking Pipe in the World

Invented By a Bartlett, N.H., Poet

It lights from the bottom and burns upwards, naturally. The patented design holds the ash in place. Nothing falls out.

Expertly crafted in Italy from the finest briar, the Bianchino Pipe comes in three exquisite finishes: dark amber, rich mahogany and carved burly. The perfect gift for smokers and collectors.

Superior smoking quality - and safer - than a regular pipe. A stainless steel screen holds tobacco and ash in place. Total upward burning means no moisture or resin accumulate in the bowl. A matching wood and cork top makes The Bianchino Pipe wind and rain proof: a smoking pipe that is as much at home in the great outdoors as by the fireside.

Born of Yankee ingenuity, The Bianchino Smoking Pipe was created by poet/lyricist and inventor Daniel C. Bianchino. It is the culmination of over 25 years of painstaking development.

"One day in July of 1977, I was lighting a pipe and burning my fingers - suddenly, it occurred (to me) to light it from the bottom. That very day I crudely made a pipe and the principle worked. A few years later I received a U.S. patent for its originality. Since then the improvements have continued and I believe this all natural pipe to be the very best around. I hope you agree.

"To the Indians the pipe was and is very sacred. With that in mind perhaps when you smoke this pipe you might contemplate what this new direction is trying to say. I think it's saying that it is not too late to turn ourselves around. In any case I wish you, the holder of this pipe, some peace, joy and companionship, and thanks."

Daniel C. Bianchino
Bartlett, New Hampshire

For more information write Bartlett Pipe Co., P.O. Box 337, Bartlett, NH 03812, call Bob at 603.447.3731, or E-mail


Marcello Salvi



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